
Pilot Logbook

Neutral Black

Hård læder præget omslag.

Logbogen  EASA/JAR godkendt.

570 indførsler. Størrelse A5

Pris pr. stk 270,- kr. + porto

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Pilot Logbook


Hård læder præget omslag.

Logbogen  EASA/JAR godkendt.

570 indførsler. Størrelse A5

Pris pr. stk 265,- kr. + porto


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Flyveplads Guiden

Ipad Edition Only


Flyveplads Guiden giver informationer til GA piloter i Danmark.

Den har detaljerede oplysninger om flyvepladser, herunder landing  / anflyvning og taxi kort, bane længder, position af vind pose, restriktioner og andre oplysninger for at gøre din rejse nemmere.

Dækker også små private flyvepladser.

The Airfield Guide provides information for GA pilots in Denmark.

It has detailed information about airfields, including landing / approach and taxi cards fields lengths, position of the wind sock, restrictions and other information to make your trip easier.

Also covers small private airfields.

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AVIATION Abbreviations

Airport Guide

Ipad Edition Only

Aviation Abbreviations are a collection of abbreviations used in aviation worldwide. With more than 4200 abbreviations, this is the largest collection on the market.

The book is divided into 6 sections : Abbreviations, Q abbreviations, Speed (V) abbreviations, Aircraft Land Cods, ICAO Airport Codes and Delay Codes. Happy landings.